I have Game because Game has got me 😁

That’s because Game Stores is offering one hundred million rand in savings! Yes, they are offering consumers never-before-seen Black Friday prices, totaling a cumulative of R100M in savings potential.
Now I know why they say they go against the odds of high prices to give customers a better life for all through unbeatable prices. They will offer specials on a variety of products from furniture, foods, automotive, cellular, baby products, DIY tools and much more. These savings will culminate in their massive Black Friday sale, where 95 of their stores will open at 12am midnight on 29 November. On this day, 29 November, you will see deals like never before so I guess now will be the perfect time for me to get that HiSense Portable Aircon because wow…this heat is not giving us a chance 😤
This cute baby is going for R4 699, saving me a whooping R1 300. What’s more is that you can protect your valuable appliances & electronics with the Game Extended Warranty that offers a repair guarantee for up to an extra 3 years.
I don’t know about you but this is THE ONLY BLACK FRIDAY and it’s at Game Stores. No wonder it is Africa’s biggest discount retailer.

Hmmmm, what would such a post be without a giveaway? LOL
Here we go: Share your stories on their platforms on what you got at Game on Black Friday or what you plan to get and stand a chance to win a R500 voucher that will be redeemed on the Game app. Interact with them or find the latest specials on the following platforms:

Website: http://www.game.co.za
Facebook: Game Stores
Twitter: @Game_Stores
Instagram: @gamestores_sa
YouTube: Game Stores  SA

Why sweat it out with Bikram Yoga!

I have often had people ask me why I do yoga, and bikram yoga to be specific. When I started, it was never about the weightloss nor weight-management, but more about the meditation.

Let’s take it back a lil’ bit to what bikram yoga is: it’s a style of yoga that comprises of 26 postures and two types of pranayama (breathing exercises). The original format is done twice, over a period of 90 minutes in a room typically heated to about 40-45 degrees Celsius. I say original because some studios have introduced 60 minute classes and even 75 minute classes. The heat is added to assist the body to stretch, detoxify, relieve stress, tone, and heal chronic pain.

The Bikram sequence was designed by Bikram Choudhury as therapy for a severe knee injury he had incurred while weightlifting as a competitive yoga athlete in his teens. I took up the practice in October 2014 as therapy for my anxiety and panic attacks. This month marks my 4th year anniversary practicing. I needed something to calm me down and stop trying to constantly be on the fast lane and in control.

Trust me, looking at yourself in the mirror for 90 minutes, in a hot room will humble you. You will curse at yourself, judge every part of your being then realize after sometime that this is you, this is all of you. The best thing to do is learn to love the girl in the mirror and when I made that decision, I was on my road to recovery. I have not always loved how my body is, but I had to fall in love with it because it’s here to stay. And I’m not quite ready to nip and tuck!

Bikram Yoga has got to be my favourite workout during winter as it keeps me warm, and it’s probably the only thing I do in winter as it gets too cold to run *hides*

There are obviously other benefits to the practice that I never signed up for but are most welcome. I just picked the ones that relate to me the most:

  1. Increases strength and flexibility:

I must say, this has got to be my favourite. This comes with regular practice. Focus on doing the postures correctly and the strength & flexibility will come with time. The heat accelerates the stretching process beyond your body’s limits but be mindful as to not over-stretch. It’s great to see how far your body can go and it’s great motivation to keep coming back, but honour your body first, not the posture.

2. Burns fat and assists with weight-loss:

Bikram yoga is a fat-burning cardio workout and you will drop the excess weight, guaranteed. A 90-minute session of bikram yoga can help you burn up to 1000 calories, which is just as good as other forms of cardio exercises

3. Detoxifies your body:

If you think sprinters or extreme sport athletes sweat, you’ve not seen a yogi doing hot yoga. I don’t know anyone who’s walked out of a yoga class semi-dry, you literally drip of sweat. Even the teacher who’s just taking you though the dialogue ca not be completely dry, I mean, the room is over 40 degrees Celsius after all. The heat and high energy demand causes you to sweat and this helps you reduce water retention and sweat out a long list of toxins, chemicals, and other unwanted compounds that shouldn’t be in your body. The increased hot body temperature promotes blood flow to the skin cells leaving your skin with an awesome glow.

When you sweat you don’t just lose excess water but also salt. You need to replenish and replace the electrolytes in your body so you don’t feel dehydrated. I use Coconut Water, Rehydrate or Game Energy Drink to replace the electrolytes in my body. And drink lots of water, to find out the benefits of drinking water, this article should help you: https://wordpress.com/post/ladyteelady.wordpress.com/740

4. Increases Energy :

When you spend time focusing on your breathing, you increase your oxygen intake which results in increased energy. Prolonged sweating is also a great way to boost endorphins in the brain and chemicals also act as our body’s natural pain relievers, leaving you feeling open and relaxed.

Yoga in general balances the systems of your body and this increases energy, bikram yoga is no different

5. Improves your mood (stress-reliever):

Since your breathing patterns are directly related to your state of mind, developing awareness of your breath in challenging situations will help you manage your stress levels. Needless to say, I’ve had less panic and anxiety attacks because I’ve learnt the power of breathing correctly.

6. Aids with healing injuries and chronic pain:

The heat, helps stretch stiff or arthritic joints further in comfort, promoting healing and reducing the risk of added injury and pain.

Bikram yoga uses the term ‘the tourniquet effect’ where blood flow to certain points of the body is blocked off and upon release, healing, oxygenated blood flows through the body, nurturing the development of healthy cells and irrigating scar tissue and calcification of the joints. Old injuries naturally begin to feel better and chronic pain is diminished as you increase your flexibility and strength. I suffer from a sciatic nerve and I manage it with extra caution in the yoga room.

7. Improves your sense of balance.

The bikram standing series promote grounding yourself through the heels, distributing your weight evenly throughout the four corners of the feet, engaging your hamstrings and locking your knee, and aligning your hips and tailbone with your spine, all of which do wonders for your balance. I can hear my yoga teacher screaming “lock your knee, lock your knee, lock your knee”

Oh did I mention that some of these balancing postures are held for 60 seconds at a time, that’s a whole minute. Focus, dedicate, concentrate! Quite an achievement when you’re also battling with the heat and sweat in your eyes.

Now this here, is most probably the most important disclaimer about bikram yoga: don’t expect your instructor to demonstrate the moves, all they’re trained to do is talk you through the sequence as part of a moving meditation. I guess this is done so that you don’t have to think for yourself, you just listen and do. The dialogue is pretty much the same throughout the universe. This little fact can work to your advantage if you find yourself in a foreign country and they don’t teach in English. I was a victim of this when I visited Thailand early last year. The studio I chose didn’t teach in English (I didn’t know) and it was the nearest to the hotel I stayed at. I wasn’t prepared to travel miles to get to a yoga studio so I soldiered on. The only thing that got me going was the fact that I already knew the sequence so I didn’t really have to understand any of my instructors.

To see the all the 26 postures in the series, you might want to view this link, compliments of @yogaexperiencejozi: https://www.bikramyoga.co.za/bikram-yoga-hot-26-postures/

I am giving away 10 10-Day Vouchers to anyone who’s interested in trying out some hot yoga for themselves. All you have to do is follow @yogaexperiencejozi and @thandymatlaila on Instagram and tell us why you’d like to try out some yoga. T&Cs apply and they will be in my next instagram post.

NAMASTE (meaning The Divine In Me, Honors The Divine In You.)

Use your own body-weight; don’t wait for weights.

I’ve often had people asking me why I combined the workout plan the way I did. It’s simple really, I needed something that was easily achievable without too much admin. I was also tired of hearing people making excuses about not being able to afford a gym membership etc. Well, I have the perfect answer for you: CALISTHENICS…

Scratching your head & wondering what I’m talking about? Don’t be confused, in a nutshell, it’s body-weight training -exercises that do not require any equipment. They utilize your body weight against the resistance of gravity.

You don’t need access to expensive equipment or a gym membership to lose weight and become physically fit. So crunches, push-ups, sit-ups, burpees, lunges and the likes are classified as calisthenics.

Many people underestimate the power of using your own body weight to train & prefer to lift weights at the gym 🙄

Now I’m about to tell you why the #60DaySummerBodyChallenge workout plan is the one to shape, tone and/or trim you:

  1. Home DIY: You practically don’t need any equipment or a lot of space to work out. You can do these in the comfort of your own home whenever you want. In the long run, doing calisthenics will cost you far less than going to the gym. It’s a guaranteed time and money saver.
  2. You can train everywhere: like literally EVERYWHERE seeing that you don’t need access to special equipment. This also means that you have no excuse to miss a workouts due to circumstances (i.e. traveling) and you can stay in top physical shape wherever you are.
  3. Supports Weightloss: Because these exercises require more than one muscle group at a time, your body consumes more calories in comparison to performing isolated muscle exercises.  You burn more calories as a fuel for the muscles.
  4. Calisthenics build strength by recruiting multiple muscle groups to work simultaneously to push, pull and balance your body.  They strengthen the whole body as they require more than one muscle group working together.
  5. Develop coordination: when doing the workouts, the various muscle groups have to work in harmony and tone in the right moment. Without the cooperation of different body parts, the proper order and rhythm of movements, you wouldn’t be able to perform a single rep of burpees, jump rope, or pull up on the bar. Doing calisthenics, you improve your body’s motoricity as a whole.
  6. Calisthenics increase your energy expenditure and also enhance muscle tone and definition.
  7. Develop flexibility: Most of body-weight exercises involve an extended movement amplitude – the movements are fully extended – which results in building strength without loss in flexibility. If you don’t believe me, check out the picture below.

See the improvement over the years? Soon I’ll be doing an air-split. 🤣🤣🤣

If you haven’t joined the #60DaySummerBobyChallenge as yet, I don’t know what you’re waiting for. It’s never too late to invest in the body you’ve always wanted #WitnessTheFitness and #WantItMore. #YourBody #YourRules #YourPace #DailyWisdomFromLadyTee


#60DaySummerBodyChallenge with Tee

The #60DaySummerBodyChallenge has kickstarted. There are 2 components to this: the training Programme & the eating guidelines. Because the saying “great abs are made in the kitchen” rings very true, we’ll start with what you put INto your body.  Whether or not you can see your abs depends entirely on your percentage of body fat and where you store it.

What you eat has a direct impact on how much, and where you store fat, so eating foods that are less likely to contribute to fat gain are essential to an “abs are made in the kitchen” diet. 

I’m no dietician, but there are certain rules to live by. Here’s a little reminder: https://ladyteelady.wordpress.com/2016/07/05/preparation-is-key/. There are other posts that are great at assisting you so do go through other posts here. 

Now let’s get to the deal: I have broken the 7 days into “FunDays” & I want you to have fun while being a part of this, remember “it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle adjustment”. If you can do it for #60Days, you can do it forever. 
1. #MeatlessMonday: For the next 60 days, cut down on meat & on Mondays, absolutely NO MEAT, especially red meat as it takes longer to digest. There are other sources of protein if you’re worried about your intake: Dairy (yoghurt, cheese, milk), eggs, tofu (one of my favourites) & legumes. The list is endless & it deserves its own post. My favourite is plain cottage cheese with crackerbread or green salad with boiled eggs. See, I’m not trying to starve you. 😀
2. #JuiceDay: replace one or all your meals with juice. It can be fruit juice or vegetable juice. Most supermarkets actually sell vegetable juice (Take5) so you’ll be having all your vegetables. If you’re like me & prefer things fresh, get a good blender & make your own juice. 
3. #WaterWednesday: no, you will not only drink water on this day, but you will increase your water intake. If you’re a person who barely drinks water, Wednesdays are the best days for you to prioritize it. Aim to drink at least 3 liters of water. Too much? Well, did you know that 57-65% of your body is water? Imagine what happens to to you when you don’t replace it. I have an article on how you can trick your body into drinking more water & why you need to: https://ladyteelady.wordpress.com/2016/11/03/lose-weight-with-water/ 
4. #TakeYourThursday: This is your day off, or maybe a day to reflect and correct what you’ve been doing incorrectly. Just because you’re taking this day off doesn’t mean you can eat junk etc. Certain things are not allowed in the Programme. For you to get something that you truly want, you need to give up certain things. In order for this to work, let’s cut out or trim down on the following:

* Fizzy Drinks

* Sweets/Chocolate.

* Actually, let me just say junk food

* Alcohol
5. #FruitfulFriday: Do your best to only eat fruit on this day. You can have them as they are or a fruit salad with yoghurt, it’s all up to you. If you can’t replace all the meals with fruit, then start small and replace one of the meals. Over time, your body will adjust and you will be able to survive the day on fruit alone.
6. #SenselessSaturday: No rules, no regulations. 
7. #SmoothieSunday: Just like Tuesdays & Fridays, you have options. Replace one of your meals or the whole Sunday with smoothies. There are so many various options for these and they never need to be boring…I’ll have a special post with different recipes & what I enjoy. 
ARE YOU READY? ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THE JOURNEY ahead. Invite your friends, tag me on your posts show me your Before & After images. (Great prizes to be won by those that are consistent shhhhh). Use the hashtags #60DaySummerBodyChallenge & #TeesSummerBodyChallenge


So many exciting things coming up so please do visit often and don’t forget to follow my networks:

* Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thandymatlaila/

* Twitter https://twitter.com/thandyy/

* Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Thandy-Ladytee-Matlaila-143644119049492/

Do not miss the daily posts as they will help you to keep up, I will be posting up:

* Exercise tips

* Food choices

* Smoothie Recipes and

* Discuss general health issues.

#WitnessTheFitness with #LadyTee 

I’m GAME for some electrolytes

Thandy-27.jpgIf anyone knows me well enough, they will tell you that to maintain a healthy body and mind, I do 3 things religiously:

  1. Drink lots of water
  2. Run
  3. Do Yoga.

Not just any yoga but bikram yoga (the benefits will come another day). Bikram yoga is done in a hot room (just over 40°C). As you can imagine, you’re dripping sweat for 90 minutes, meaning you lose body salts, leading to fatigue and a longer recovery time. I love the benefits of the practice, but not the dehydration & fatigue that can come with it if you’re not well nourished.
My yoga instructors would always scream “take electrolytes to replenish your body”. Personally I do not like energy drinks because I feel they have too much sugar…..sugar and I are not the best of friends: everything is in moderation. Electrolytes are minerals such as sodium, potassium, chloride and calcium, which tend to reduce as you sweat through exercise. Energy/sports drinks are created to replace these in your body.
Isotonic drinks contain similar concentrations of salt and sugar as is found in the human body. These drinks quickly replace fluids and electrolytes lost through sweating and give a boost of simple carbohydrate. The difference between these and other electrolyte sports drinks is that the concentrate levels theoretically match that in the body. Hmmmm, I like the sound of that

And can I tell you why GAME has been my choice? You mix it yourself meaning you control the sweetness levels. You are always given guidelines though so please don’t ignore those.
Just like you mustn’t ignore the Guideline Daily Amounts (GDA) in order for you to maintain a healthy lifestyle. My eating choices have become so much easier since I joined the #EatWellLiveWell program as they take the guesswork out of healthy eating. Join me in making better choices today so you can live longer tomorrow…one step at a time: https://www.ewlw.co.za/.
Follow my #WitnessTheFitness Life:
• Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thandymatlaila/
• Twitter https://twitter.com/thandyy/

MY Top-10 WeightLoss Tips

Hello hello hello

2017 is in full swing & I guess I had to jump right into it.

Last week @People_SA Magazine shared…again, my Top 10 Weight loss tips.

If you didn’t catch them, I am happy to share them with you & possibly make some amendments. I guess they shared them again because they’re easy to follow & you don’t need to break your bank account, or yourself to accomplish this…. helping other kids to FLOURISH as well J

  1. Drink lots of water.

Initially, I drank 3 litres of water a day but since I’ve taken up Bikram Yoga, I’ve increased my water intake to 5 litres. Always keep a bottle of water handy. If it’s in your view, you’re most likely to reach for it than any other beverage.

  1. Exercise! Exercise! Exercise!

Do a form of exercise, something that you enjoy otherwise it’s not going to work. When you love what you do, it moves from being a chore to a hobby.

  1. Set goals.

Draw up a timeline for reaching your goals so you can keep track of your progress and re-evaluate them regularly.

  1. Seek out motivation.

It may be a picture of that hot bikini body you dream about rocking in summer at the beach, or it could be a photo of a fit and fab body – think Pearl Modiadie. Whatever motivates you; keep a picture where you can see it every day.

  1. You are what you eat.

Make it a habit to read up about the nutritional value of your food. And be selective in what you choose to eat based on this info.

  1. Choose steamed or grilled rather than fried food.

They’re healthier whether you are preparing food at home or eating out.

  1. Use smaller plates and bowls when eating.

It will force you to eat smaller portions.

  1. Get a full-length mirror.

If you don’t like what you see – you will be forced to change it.

  1. Change up your meals for different days of the week.

For instance, do a “Meat Free Monday”, “Salad-Sunday” and a “Fruit Full Friday”. The options are endless!

  1. When building a good habit or breaking an old one – Keep at it consistently for 21 days and it will become a part of your lifestyle.

Above all else, wear a smile – all day, every day. Your outfit isn’t complete without it.
Should you wish to get more info or other tips that I share on a regular basis, you can check out the online-version of @People_SA Magazine. http://www.peoplemagazine.co.za/celebrity-news/thandy-matlailas-top-10-weight-loss-tips

Do also make sure that you get this week’s issue of the magazine to see #WhatIEatInADay.

Remember, this is what works for ME; you need to study your body in order to know what works for YOU.

Some things are just standard and with the above tips, you can drop the excess weight & keep it off. Let’s waltz into 2017 feeling good about our bodies…and let’s also make it “Our Fittest Year to date”

NB: Soon I will be sharing wonderful weigh-loss stories from other people. They tell us how they lost the weight and managed to keep it off. Maybe their stories will motivate you to do the same thing.

If you believe you have a great Wellnesss story to share, drop me a message below or email info@aptitudeconsulting.co.za. We will select a few of your stories and share them with the world.

Cheers to Fitness & Health in #20SelfTeen 🥂🍹🍸


2015-10-10-09-45-21We’ve all heard it but seemingly we tend to ignore the signs: Drinking MORE water can assist you in loosing weight. I am living testimony of that statement; if there was such a thing as a Water-holic, that’s what I would be. So much so that I sleep with a water bottle next to my bed in case I wake up in the middle of the night dehydrated.

More than anything else, that is my biggest fear: DEHYDRATION. And with these sudden heat waves hitting our streets, I would suggest you walk around with a water bottle everywhere you go.

Ok Thandy FOCUS on the topic at hand, which is how water can assist you with weight loss or weight maintenance. Did you know that just by drinking more water you can drop some kilos or maintain your currently weight without changing your diet? That’s because drinking water:

  • boosts your metabolism meaning you burn more calories quicker.
  • Cleanses your body of waste.
  • Suppresses appetite as it makes you feel fuller, meaning you consume less calories.
  • Minimizes your snack cravings, once again, meaning your calorie intake drops.
  • Aids digestion and promotes the regular functioning of many body organs including the liver. Lack of water slows digestion, decreases fat metabolism and is known to bloat and fatigue a person.
  • Detoxes your system, tones muscles and promotes healthy skin. Consuming more water rids your body of unnecessary toxins and moisturizes the skin.
  • Also, drinking more water helps your body to stop retaining water, leading you to drop the extra kilos of water weight/retention. This is when the body retains excess fluids in the tissues in an amount above standard.

How to ensure that you drink more water:

  1. I have a little game that I play by myself, it’s called #DrinkToCheat: Whenever I want to eat something that is not on my eating plan or I know is not good for me (we all have our weaknesses), I petition with myself. Before eating or drinking whatever it is, I have to drink 300ml-500ml of water and THEN I can have whatever it is I wanted to have; whether it be a slice of cake or a chocolate bar. By doing this, you’re trying it instill better habits and chances are you won’t finish whatever it is you wanted to eat because water fills you up. Great way to cheat hey.
  2. Another great game is #Reload. Every time to go to the restroom, make sure you drink water when you’re done. See it as replacing what you just lost. LOL
  3. Make it a habit to drink water every-time before you eat. Give yourself about 15 minutes and chances are you will eat less as the water will make you feel fuller. Water does suppress appetite after all.
  4. Dilute your fruit juice with water. Personally I find all 100% fruit juices too sweet and diluting it with water means that I take less sugar. Anything with too much sugar actually dehydrates you, defeating the purpose of nourishing and hydrating your body.
  5. Track your water intake. If you can set a reminder for prayer-time or taking your pills.. or whatever else you deem important in your life, what’s stopping you from setting a reminder every 2 hours to drink water? Spacing out your water consumption throughout the day will ensure that your body is replenished and gets rid of excess water weight. Drinking water only when you’re thirsty retains water-weight. The greatest excuse from my friends is that they forget to drink waster…you have a phone with an alarm, no more excuses.
  6. Most people find water tasteless and prefer to add flavor to it. I like the tastelessness of water so I stay away from infused water. If adding flavor to it means you’ll drink more water, then go for it. Healthy Flavoring options include adding:
    1. Lemon or lime
    2. Strawberries
    3. Pineapple cubes/slices
    4. Cucumber or
    5. Fresh mint

(I will give recipes of infused water. My best friend lives for it and I must say, it has gotten her to drink more water and drop the extra kilos. So I guess there is always someone for everyone.

  1. Eat your water: fruits that contain a high percentage of water increases your water intake. Think watermelon, grapefruit, oranges and naartjies.


Now please, drink up. And remember, the more sporting activities you do, the more water your body requires due to the sweat.

So many exciting things coming up so please do visit often and don’t forget to follow my networks:


Remember, you’re not on a diet; you’re making a lifestyle adjustment. #WitnessTheFitness

21 Day Detox: October

So most of you have asked me to start a new challenge because you just can’t loose weight…& you’ve really been following the tips from the previous challenge/s.

Let me correct you; you’ve NOT been following all the tips from the previous challenge, even though you’ve been doing the squats, the lunges, the plank etc. The finer details lie in the “Make Mondays #MeatlessMonday, #WaterWednesday, #FruitfulFriday and and and”. I really didn’t come up with these because I’m just a creative, but they were/are to assist you in living a healthier life with good nutrition.

I guess reality is teaching you that it’s not only about the training, but what you eat plays the biggest part of this wellness thing we are all after. My motto has always been simple:

After pondering on this, I decided that we need a 21-Day Detox plan and we are already on Day 6…. that’s if you started on the 1st of this month. If you haven’t jumped on the Detox Wagon, it’s never too late, start today & make sure you complete the 21 DAYS.

Why 21 Days? Because it takes 21 Days to form or break a habit…try it, it really works.

I know that most of you are already thinking hunger, starvation, everything green & nothing that you can enjoy…well…no, that’s not true at all. Remember that I am not here to complicate your life and I am DEFINITELY not here to promote crash diets. They eventually crash you down (slowing down your metabolism, making you cranky & constantly fatigued etc.)…hence the name.

All I want is for you to break all bad habits and create new ones that will give you a longer, healthier life. Everyone has an opinion on what your detox should involve and I’m sure your mind is racing with questions like:

  • How long must I detox for?
  • Do I need to drink just fluids and no solids?
  • Is the sugar detox the best out there?
  • Can a detox be a lifestyle?
  • Does this mean I can’t enjoy the regular take-ou?



With everything, there are basic rules:

  • Drink More Water
  • Consume less sugar (others opt to cut it out completely). The problem with sugar is that it triggers addiction and overeating. It spikes insulin and inflammation, which makes you store belly fat (now you know why you’re not getting those abs ne). I will dedicate a whole post to this so watch out for is.
  • Give up the caffeine
  • Give up the alcohol
  • Trade the beef steak for a chicken steak or fish (red meat takes longer to digest)

I will not tell you what you need to give up but from the above you get the picture. If you do want to follow a particular detox plan, I will not deprive you either as I will share what I have given up for 21 Days.


Before we can go deeper into the things you need to do when you detox, I must tell you WHY it’s good for you to do so.


  • Remove toxins from the body. This obviously works when you opt for fresh, organic foods (grains, fruit, vegetables)
  • Prevents chronic disease as it assists and improves what our bodies are trying to do naturally.
  • Assists with weight loss because it rids the body of toxins stored in fat cells and increases metabolism.
  • Increases energy as it improves the quality of sleep and life in general. Our bodies don’t function very well when they’re loaded with toxins.
  • Improve skin quality. When you feel good on the inside, it’s translated on the inside so your hair, nails and skin will have a natural glow. Not only that but you will have mental and emotional clarity. You’re able to view things differently because you gain mental, physical, and emotional energy
  • Slows premature aging as it rids the body of free radicals and heavy metals partially responsible for aging. Detoxing helps to increase nutrient absorption.
  • Promotes Healthy Changes. It puts a wedge between your old ways and your new ones so if you cleanse the body and replace those foods with healthier choices, you can retrain yourself and be more likely to stick to the new habits.

Now if this doesn’t motivate you to cleanse your body from the inside out, I’m not sure what will. Just take a look at the below and I hope it motivates you to watch what you put on the inside as it will show in public…and we all want to look and feel good. Let’s #WitnessTheFitness, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Twist that Waist to reduce Love Handles

​So in a few hours it’s my birthday and I thought I should share with you one of my favourite waist exercises and the most fun, if I have to say so myself. I loved these from high school when I did gymnastics and trust me, I could do more of these than any other exercise I was told to do back them. I grew up calling them waist-twists but when I researched, I got the correct term: #ObliqueTwists.

Eish ok, I’m getting schooled here as well, but point is; you twist your waist. I do these when I am trying to get my waistline trimmed in a short space of time. You know when you get that invite to a bikini party and it says it’s in a week’s time and you KNOW you’ve not invested much in your training so you have to pull out a miracle. Lately women opt for waist-trainers and the likes, I opt for warm-water with lemon & honey, the plank and #obliquetwists…and I would like to believe I never go wrong so hopefully you won’t either.

Oblique twists are one of the most effective exercises that can enhance the body’s core, while reducing the appearance of Love Handles if you also eat clean. Remember the saying, “Great Abs are made in the kitchen”…but we can always help out the kitchen can’t we.

How to do these:

If the above video is not demonstration enough for you, here is the guide:

  • Stand with your feet together.
  • Bring your arms to should height and touch your hands together in front of you.
  • Keep your upper body facing forward the whole time.
  • Jump up off the ground and rotate your feet to the right.
  • As soon as you land jump up again and rotate your feet to the left.
  • Alternate back and forth for the desired amount of repetitions.


The effects of this exercise:

  • Besides strengthening your core, they also define your oblique muscles. Obliques are the muscles that run up your sides, comprise part of your body’s core and are engaged in every bend and twist you make. They work to stabilize the body and are basically the pillars of your torso.
  • The motion of oblique twists firms your obliques and your transverse abdominals helping you build a strong frame around your abs while giving you a toned waist and a defined V-tapering down toward your pelvic area.
  • By doing oblique twists, you’ll increase the speed of core movements and get ease in doing your daily activities that include you twisting or bending.
  • Doing your oblique twists improves balance and posture, which is not only visually slimming, but also gives an instant confidence boost. Have you seen how tall those pilates and yoga girls walk??? Because they know their abs are on fleek and there’s nothing you can do about it.
  • Did you know that this exercise also targets your calves so you can also rock your shorts with confidence? Now you know.

So I guess it’s time you join the queue and twist again. Remember that song “Come on let’s twist again, like we did last summer, oh let’s twist again.”


Ok ok, I’m feeling musical because I always get excited when my birthday comes up.

Catch you soon with more “DIY Exercise”. No gym, no equipment; just you and the body that’s waiting to be revealed and nourished. Here’s another image for motivation…

Jumping for the Stars

#DAY47 of #60DayChallenge. We are almost thereJ

It’s amazing how much we learn over the years & what you thought you knew all this time is NOT what it is.

What am I referring to? Well, the next phase of the challenge, all this time I have been saying “we will now add #StarJumps to the challenge.” Then my darling coach is like “Did you know that Star jumps and Jumping jacks are 2 different things?” Yes, you are most likely rolling your eyes like I did. LOL

We will get into the intricate details and differences later in the week but for now, let’s analyze why moah figured that we should add Jumping jacks to the challenge:

Well, #JumpingJacks do more than just burn calories as they function as cardiovascular, strengthening and stress-relieving exercises. They are a great whole body exercise, working your upper body, core muscles and lower body muscles. Whilst your leg muscles are working by jumping up and down, your arms, chest, shoulders and abdominals are getting a great workout from reaching up and down, helping you develop your speed, power and agility.

These don’t require any equipment and can be performed anywhere with lots of variations. Jumping jacks utilise elements of the squat & squat jump (now you know why you needed to squat for 21 Days when we began the challenge).


More than anything, I had added them because of their cardio element; they increase your heart rate and get you all warmed up to do the full plan which is now:

  • #90Squads a day
  • #3MinPlank and
  • #150JumpingJacks

Now this here, is one of the easiest but effective exercise routines and it works your whole body.


So let’s get to the good part about this post…. the benefits:

  • Aerobic Benefits as the primary benefit from doing jumping jacks is to elevate your heart rate. They require your entire body to move, which raises your heart rate in a relatively short time. You burn fat rapidly which promotes weight loss.
  • Strengthening Benefits as they provide a full-body workout. Jumping jacks move all your large muscle groups since you raise your arms above your head and spread your legs outwards. Done correctly, they target your abdominal muscles, helping you to stabilize and balance your body.
  • Relaxation Benefits as they spark a chemical effect in your body. You release endorphins, which act as pain relievers and give you a sense of well-being; clearing your mind, sharpening your focus and energizing you.
  • So you know we have what you call hip adductors and abductors right? Growing up, I used to call these ins & outs & yes, they are that…well, not grammatically correct but you get my point: these are your inner and outer thighs. Both of these muscles work during your jumping jacks. The hip abductors are active during the outward phase of your jumping jack, allowing your legs to spread apart. The hip adductors work as you bring your legs together on the return phase of your jumping jack. The in and out phase of your jack can slim the hip adductor and abductors. So if you’re aiming for that thigh gap, keep doing your jumping jacks
  • Doing them regularly increases flexibility and circulation.

Note that poor technique when doing jumping jacks will not get you the full benefits of the exercise.

I’m so ready to step into spring because I have put in the work to make sure I wear my shorts with confidence next month…have you??? #LetsChat