Twist that Waist to reduce Love Handles

​So in a few hours it’s my birthday and I thought I should share with you one of my favourite waist exercises and the most fun, if I have to say so myself. I loved these from high school when I did gymnastics and trust me, I could do more of these than any other exercise I was told to do back them. I grew up calling them waist-twists but when I researched, I got the correct term: #ObliqueTwists.

Eish ok, I’m getting schooled here as well, but point is; you twist your waist. I do these when I am trying to get my waistline trimmed in a short space of time. You know when you get that invite to a bikini party and it says it’s in a week’s time and you KNOW you’ve not invested much in your training so you have to pull out a miracle. Lately women opt for waist-trainers and the likes, I opt for warm-water with lemon & honey, the plank and #obliquetwists…and I would like to believe I never go wrong so hopefully you won’t either.

Oblique twists are one of the most effective exercises that can enhance the body’s core, while reducing the appearance of Love Handles if you also eat clean. Remember the saying, “Great Abs are made in the kitchen”…but we can always help out the kitchen can’t we.

How to do these:

If the above video is not demonstration enough for you, here is the guide:

  • Stand with your feet together.
  • Bring your arms to should height and touch your hands together in front of you.
  • Keep your upper body facing forward the whole time.
  • Jump up off the ground and rotate your feet to the right.
  • As soon as you land jump up again and rotate your feet to the left.
  • Alternate back and forth for the desired amount of repetitions.


The effects of this exercise:

  • Besides strengthening your core, they also define your oblique muscles. Obliques are the muscles that run up your sides, comprise part of your body’s core and are engaged in every bend and twist you make. They work to stabilize the body and are basically the pillars of your torso.
  • The motion of oblique twists firms your obliques and your transverse abdominals helping you build a strong frame around your abs while giving you a toned waist and a defined V-tapering down toward your pelvic area.
  • By doing oblique twists, you’ll increase the speed of core movements and get ease in doing your daily activities that include you twisting or bending.
  • Doing your oblique twists improves balance and posture, which is not only visually slimming, but also gives an instant confidence boost. Have you seen how tall those pilates and yoga girls walk??? Because they know their abs are on fleek and there’s nothing you can do about it.
  • Did you know that this exercise also targets your calves so you can also rock your shorts with confidence? Now you know.

So I guess it’s time you join the queue and twist again. Remember that song “Come on let’s twist again, like we did last summer, oh let’s twist again.”


Ok ok, I’m feeling musical because I always get excited when my birthday comes up.

Catch you soon with more “DIY Exercise”. No gym, no equipment; just you and the body that’s waiting to be revealed and nourished. Here’s another image for motivation…

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